Anthem Blue Cross Update - Group & Individual: Members can now check their symptoms and text with a doctor through Sydney Health
安森藍十字保險公司最新消息-團隊和個人:成員們現在可以通過悉尼健康中心(Sydney Health) 檢查他們的症狀並給醫生發送短訊。
Anthem Blue Cross announced on January, 7th 2021 that the Sydney Health app now offers a no-cost Symptom Checker to provide members with immediate health guidance, and a feature to connect with a doctor via text from their mobile phones anytime, anywhere.
安森藍十字保險於2021年1月7日宣布,悉尼健康應用程序(Sydney Health app) 現在為會員提供免費的症狀檢查器、及時的健康指導以及隨時隨地通過手機短訊與醫生取得聯繫的功能。
• The Symptom Checker intuitively uses information members provide to narrow down millions of medical data points and assess specific symptoms before members see a doctor. They’ll receive information and advice tailored to their gender, age, and medical history. Symptom Checker is available anytime and delivers personalized, detailed information including recommendations on which over the counter treatments might be most helpful.
• The Sydney Health app can also now connect members to a board-certified doctor through Virtual Text Visits. They offer the convenience and privacy of texting with a qualified doctor anytime, anywhere for $19 or less. The doctor can diagnose symptoms through a Virtual Text Visit, discuss treatment options, and order prescriptions and labs. They can also let members know whether they need an in-person visit as a next step.
•悉尼健康應用程序(Sydney Health app) 現在也可以通過虛擬文本訪問的方式使得成員們可以與董事會認證的醫生取得聯繫。他們提供了更加便捷並且隱私的方式來使得成員們可以隨時隨地與合格的意思短訊聯繫,而這只需要19美元甚至更少。醫生可以通過虛擬文本訪問來診斷症狀,討論治療方案,並定製處方及實驗室。他們還可以讓成員知道下一步是否需要親自訪問。
With the Sydney Health app, it’s easier for members to connect digitally, on their own terms, in ways that fit best with how they live their lives.
有了悉尼健康應用程序(Sydney Health app),成員們可以更加容易地以最適合他們生活方式的途徑來進行數字化連接。