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Cal/OSHA Alliance Program

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Cal/OSHA, also known as the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), protects and improves the health and safety of working men and women in California.

"Through the Alliance Program, Cal/OSHA works with groups committed to worker safety and health to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities," they state. Trade associations, labor unions, other labor organizations, professional associations, educational institutions, community and faith-based organizations, consulates, local, state, and federal government agencies, and others are examples.

Participants support Cal/OSHA's goals by developing Alliance agreements with work plans to raise awareness of safety and health hazards, using communication, training, and education.

The Alliance Program has several advantages, including increasing worker access to successful workplace safety and health tools, besides information about worker rights, leveraging participant resources to maximize worker safety and health protections, and establishing important dialogue among Alliance participants.

You can check important Cal/OSHA updates here

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EPIA inc. is a private Insurance Agency with no ties with legal entities. The information contained in this article is based on information provided by the Cal/OSHA Official Website. EPIA attempts to ensure that all material is up-to-date therefore is not responsible or liable in any manner for any errors or miss information announced on its main sources.

EPIA 公司是一家與法律實體沒有聯繫的私人保險機構。本文中包含的信息基於加州職業安全與健康管理局(Cal/OSHA) 官方網站提供的信息。 EPIA 盡力確保所有信息都是最新的,因此對其主要來源公佈的任何錯誤或遺漏信息不承擔任何責任或義務。

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