Does Life Insurance Cover Deaths From Coronavirus?

Thousands of people worldwide have already died from COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. For those who have life insurance, in almost all cases, they are covered, and insurance will likely pay out for deaths from COVID-19. There are a few exceptions, according to representatives from life insurance companies and industry organizations.全球已有成千上萬人死於COVID-19,該疾病是由新型冠狀病毒引起的。對於目前已擁有人壽保險的人來說,幾乎在所有情況下都會理賠,並且保險可能會賠償因COVID-19造成的死亡。但據人壽保險公司和組織代表表示會在某些特殊情下有一些例外。
Potential exceptions
An insurer might deny a claim for a coronavirus death if the policyholder: Submitted an inaccurate or incomplete application. Claims can be denied for reasons like not disclosing travel plans or lying about weight or income. If you die within the first two years of coverage, an insurer generally examines the claim and initial application more thoroughly. Didn’t pay insurance premiums. If your policy lapses for nonpayment and you die before the policy is reinstated, your beneficiary usually won’t receive a payout. Bought only an accidental death policy. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance, or AD&D, is designed to cover accidents. "如果投保人有下列情況,保險公司可能會拒絕理賠因新型冠狀病毒死亡的死亡賠償: 1. 提交了不正確或不完整的申請 - 因未誠實告知旅行計劃或關於體重或收入撒謊等原因而拒絕理賠。如果您在承保的前兩年內死亡,那麼保險公司通常會更徹底地檢查索賠保額內容和初始申請書。 2. 沒有支付保險費 - 如果您的保單因未付款而過期,並且您在恢復保單之前死亡,則受益人不會獲得理賠。 3. 只買了意外死亡保單 - 意外身故和傷殘保險或AD&D只理賠意外事故。"
How to file a life insurance claim
After a policyholder dies, the beneficiary will need to file a life insurance claim by following these steps: 1.Obtain several copies of the death certificate. 2.Contact the policyholder’s agent or the insurance company for claim paperwork. 3.Send in the required documents with a certified copy of the death certificate. After submitting a claim, the beneficiary can generally decide whether to receive payments in a lump sum or installments.保單持有人去世後,受益人將需要按照以下步驟申請人壽保險理賠:1.取得多份的死亡證明。2.與保單持有人的保險經紀或保險公司聯繫索取書面申請文件。3.發送所需的文件以及死亡證明的核證副本。提出索賠後,受益人通常可以決定是一次性付款還是分期付款。
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